What is the difference between approved and auto-approved in letters.
What is the difference between approved and auto-approved in letters.
If the letter through a reporting chain, it will be called as Approved. If the approval is done automatically, then such a generated letter approval is known as Auto-Approval.
The HR or user can download the approved letter any number of times. Here, the date and other details will be older date details with which it was generated.
Request for Letter: The user can also raise request for new letter. Path to raise a request : User Login>> Letters Module>> Letters>> Requests>> Raise Request Steps: -> Select Letter -> Enter Reason for Request -> Click on confirm template -> Click ...
ESS Letter Generation: HR can generate letter from requests tab. Path: HR Login>> Letters>> Requests>> Employee>> Actions>> Generate Letter>> Confirm In Employee actions, a option will be there as ‘ generate letter’. By clicking and confirming the ...
Letters Creation. Letter Templates. The Letters will be use in the letter templates creation. The letter templates which we have created will be reflected in the respective modules.
User can download the letter which are issued previously. Path: User Login>> Letters>> Letters>> Requests>> View Details(w.r.to letter request)>> Download.