What is Position Management? How to create and assign positions to employees using Akrivia HCM?

What is Position Management? How to create and assign positions to employees using Akrivia HCM?

Position Management:

Staffing Models determine how jobs are defined and filled; they provide different levels of control over staffing and support different staffing goals. There are two types of staffing models usually adopted: Job management, more flexible and when a worker in a job leaves, his or her ‘seat’ disappears. Whereas, Position Management, the ‘seat’ remains even when the worker leaves the position. Example: CEO, CFO, Head HR etc.

Let us see the creation of staffing model in Akrivia HCM. Before going further, let us first add the job title, reason, and description used in creating a staffing model.

Job titles:

HR Foundation >> Position Management >> Job Titles >> + Add New

In Job title, enter the name of the job or position configured in staffing model.

Field Name



Job Title

Hiring Manager

Enter the title of the job or position for staffing model. 

Job Title Code


Enter a unique code for the code.



Add a short description to the job title.

Job reason:

HR Foundation >> Position Management >> Job Reason >> + Add New

In the side overlay, enter the Job reason stating the necessity of the job or position.

Example:  Hiring managers will be responsible for the orientation and induction of new employees, as well as the professional development of existing employees.

Job description:

HR Foundation >> Position Management >> Job Description >> + Add New

In the side overlay, enter the job description in detail as this description is used in staffing model.

Example: Our ideal candidates should have solid experience with HR practices and employee management. You will communicate with the board of directors and with senior managers to express new ideas and suggest solutions, considering budget limitations and our company culture.

 Configure position by Job/Position based staffing model:

Using the staffing module section, a position or a job can be configured as follows.



HR Foundation >> Position Management >> Staffing Model >> + Add New

Step -1:


Field Name




Anup Fashion

Select the Organization


Anup Swadeshi Ltd.

Select the Entity



Choose the designation of the configuring job/position in Staffing model.

Functional Unit

Textile Manufacturing (B.U)

Select the functional unit to map this job/position.

Bands/SGs/Emp. Types


Select them from the drop down.

Job Description


Select the job description added as discussed above for this job/position.

Staffing Model

Position based.

Select the staffing model type. Since it is a Hiring manager role, we may choose Position based staffing model.

Position Prefix ID (only for position based)


Enter the prefix to the position ID.

Position ID Start Number (only for position based)


Enter the Starting number for the ID.

Position ID Preview (only for position based)


The Preview is displayed as shown. The code helps to identify the position configured.

Head Count Limitation


Unlimited: If there is no limit on the no. of candidates to be hired for this job/position

Limited: Enter the ‘Head count’ if Limited


After entering all the fields, click on ‘Update’.


Step -2:

Select position specifications and fill the related information such as title of the position, band, functional unit, service group, effective date, reason and description as shown.

Field Name




Hiring Manager

Select the title (Refer previous section to add a Title)



Select the Entity



Choose the designation of the configuring job/position in Staffing model.

Functional Unit

Textile Manufacturing (B.U)

Select the functional unit to map this job/position.

Bands/SGs/Emp. Types


Select them from the drop down.

Job Description


Select the job description added as discussed above for this job/position.

Staffing Model

Position based.

Select the staffing model type. Since it is a Hiring manager role, we may choose Position based staffing model.

Position as root (Only for Position based staffing model)


Yes, if this position is at the top of the hierarchy.

If no, enter the Parent Position ID (ID of Position at the top of hierarchy.

Critical Position


Importance of position and it's level of importance, used by PMS and succession planning.

Criticality Level


Please note, the band and service group details entered in the above fields are for default position being created. Now, fill the remaining details of the position related to education, experience, skills, competencies, certifications and click on ‘Save.’


Configure Position (from Staffing Model) in Position Hierarchy:


While configuring a position by Position based staffing model, we came through ‘Position as root’ option where we can either select the position being created as root or use previously existing position as root position.

HR Foundation >> Position Management >> Position Hierarchy

update root position of any existing position:

In the position hierarchy, select the existing position and click on ‘update parent position’. Now, select the position to be made as root position and click on Update.

Select existing position >>Update parent position >> Select the root position >> Update.

update position as root position:

Select non-root positions and at the top right corner, click on ‘make as root position(s). Then at the bottom click on update. This makes the position as root positions.

Select existing position >> make as root position >> Select the root position >> Update.

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