What are the types of letters.
There are following three letter types:
-> Employee Self Service (E.S.S)
-> Work Flow
-> Adhoc
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How HR can create a Adhoc Letter?
Adhoc Letter Creation: HR have the feasibility to create Adhoc Letter for an employee Ex:Disciplinary Letter. Path : User Login>> Switch to HR Role>> Letters Module>> Letters >> Add new Steps: -> Select Employee - For which employee you want to ...
How do we add an Adhoc letter template.
Step 1: Letter Creation Path : Admin Settings >> Letter Settings >> Letters >> Add New When creating a letter, please select Adhoc as the letter type. Step 2: Letter Template Creation Path : Admin Settings >> Letter Settings >> Letter Templates >> ...
What is an Adhoc letter. Or What is the purpose of Adhoc letter.
Ad-hoc letters are the ones that are generated upon the request of the employee and are not related to the workflow, like the resignation acceptance letter, service certificate, probation acceptance letter, etc.
How many ESS letters can the user request for.
The user can request for a letter up to the amount that admin locked. The restriction for frequency and frequency of generation will be defined while creating an ESS letter.
How HR can generate a letter.
ESS Letter Generation: HR can generate letter from requests tab. Path: HR Login>> Letters>> Requests>> Employee>> Actions>> Generate Letter>> Confirm In Employee actions, a option will be there as ‘ generate letter’. By clicking and confirming the ...