Yes, Payment for Unused Annual Leave or any other leave type feature is available in our software with the name Leave Encashment. An employee will be paid for unused accrued annual leave up to the allowable maximum upon transfer from an annual leave-accruing position to a non-annual leave-accruing position. In this, if not used will be forwarded, few can be encashed and the remaining will be expired based on the admin leave settings. The HR will also have the information in the software based on the leave type policy. The user will also get the information in the user's login, my leaves module and in that Apply for Leave Encashment. Here all the leave encashment details will be available. Leave forward and expiry details will be available in the user's policy. HR has no action in this leave encashment but will have basic information. FM will only approve or reject the leave encashment requests and process them to the payroll.