How to Create Life Cycle Awards?

How to Create Life Cycle Awards?

The Life Cycle awards are created to congratulate the employees on their birthdays, Work anniversaries, and training completion (LMS), which do not require nominations.

These awards help the company to affirm the employees that they are part of the company and encourage them to re-skill by taking up training, thereby improving the employees' contribution.

Home >> Rewards >> Create Awards >> + Add New.


Field Name




Anup Fashion

Select the Organization for which the award is created.


Anup Swadeshi Pvt. Ltd.

Select the Entity of an Organization for which the award is created.

Functional Unit

Fabric Manufacturing Unit

Select the functional unit from the Organization Tree.

Award Title

Happy Birthday/Happy Work Anniversary/Best Learner

Give a name of your choice.

Award Code


A unique code to identify the award created by the system

Program has reward


Select whether any reward points will be gifted along with the award or not.

Award Type

Life Cycle

Select the type of award




LMS Type


Select whether the LMS award is given based on courses completed or hours trained. (only applicable for the ‘LMS’ Category)

No. of hours

(If LMS type = Course)

10 hours

Enter no. of training hours the employee should undergo to be eligible for the award.

(only applicable for the ‘LMS’ Category)

No of courses

(If LMS type = Course)

3 courses

Enter no. of training courses the employee should undergo to be eligible for the award.

 (only applicable for the ‘LMS’ Category)

Start Date


Please enter the date from which we want to start awarding the award.

Award Description


Add a description to the award being created.



Add a greeting to be conveyed along with the award.

Greetings/ Template


Select the greetings letter template or template of the certificate created for this award in Letter settings (Please refer to “Letters”)

Upload Logo/Badge


Upload a badge or Logo in .jgp or .png format

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