How to Add skills and Competencies to an employee(s) as a HR?

How to Add skills and Competencies to an employee(s) as a HR?

The HR can add skills or competencies to each employee or as a bulk upload for more than one employee as follows.

Home >> Employee Management >> Skills and Competencies

At the top, click on either Skills or Competencies. The dashboards show the various skills or competencies configured by the admin.

Field Name



Skills / Competencies


Select the Skill/competency from the drop-down


Level - 2

Once a skill or competency is added to an employee, the HR can update with the option Edit.


There is also an option to upload the skills and competencies of employees as bulk upload.

Employee Management >> Skills and Competencies >> Bulk Upload


Click on download to get the template. Add the rows with the details of the employee skills or competencies and then upload.


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