How a user see the details of the leave applied?

How a user see the details of the leave applied?

The leave usage, accruals, and penalization reports for any period and for any leave type can be   viewed using the ‘Reports’ option. The details of various leaves can be viewed by clicking on the ‘Reports’ menu. To navigate, go to the 'My Leaves' module and then go to Reports to get these details. 

Leave Reports for all or any type of leave for the user can be seen for the present month (default) or for any period using the option. The leave usage, accrual leaves and any penalized leaves can also be seen by clicking on the sub-menu. There is an Action button on the right side of the screen, if we click on the three dots, we get an action button ‘View Details’, if we press here, we get a new window as ‘Leave Request Details’ as shown below. The type of leave the user requested, the number of leaves, the date on which the leave request raised, the days leave request raised and the status of approval chain can be viewed by the user. 

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