Few employees worked on a holiday or Bandh for an emergency activity. How to add compensation leave to all these employees at a time?

Few employees worked on a holiday or Bandh for an emergency activity. How to add compensation leave to all these employees at a time?

When the HR or admin is considered to give compensatory off to more than one employee, it is better to use the Coff Bulk Upload option. Using this option, the admin can upload compensation-OFF type leave under new accrued/ credit and availed/ taken leaves for the more than one employee in bulk.

To navigate to Coff Bulk Upload page: click

  1. Naviaget to  Leaves Management
  2. Go to Leave Coff Bulk
  3. Select Leave Group
  4. (From drop-down select the desired leave group to be modified)
  5. Download (Excel Template already fixed, need to modify data)
  6. upload (existing data will be replaced with the new data).

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