ESS Letter Generation: HR can generate letter from requests tab. Path: HR Login>> Letters>> Requests>> Employee>> Actions>> Generate Letter>> Confirm In Employee actions, a option will be there as ‘ generate letter’. By clicking and confirming the ...
Letters Creation. Letter Templates. The Letters will be use in the letter templates creation. The letter templates which we have created will be reflected in the respective modules.
Preview of Letter : The "Preview Letter" option under Actions with regard to Employee allows you to examine a sample letter. This allows HR to look at it. Path: HR Login>> Letters>> Requests>> Employee>> Actions>> Preview Letter. Download Letter: HR ...
Ad-hoc letters are the ones that are generated upon the request of the employee and are not related to the workflow, like the resignation acceptance letter, service certificate, probation acceptance letter, etc.
If the letter through a reporting chain, it will be called as Approved. If the approval is done automatically, then such a generated letter approval is known as Auto-Approval.