Can RM apply leave for an employee under him if unable to apply for a leave?

Can RM apply leave for an employee under him if unable to apply for a leave?

The RM can also apply for leave on behalf of the employee just like the HR manager. This situation comes when the employee is unable to apply for the leave due to sickness or out of station or can be any reason and requests their HR to apply on-behalf. 
  1.        Navigate to Leave System with RM login.
  2.    In the Dashboard of the RM, on the right-hand side corner, the 'Apply Leave Behalf' button option is available.
  3.   Click on Apply Leave Behalf
  4.  RM can also go to this page by going to 'Apply' in the menu screen.   
  5.  Under this, Go To 'Apply Leave' for normal leave or 'Raise Comp off' for comp off leave.
  6.    Select the employee from the list or use search or filter feature options.
  7.  After pressing the 'Apply Leave' button, a new screen will open in the same tab.
  8. Select the leave among the available leaves for the employee.
  9. Select the date using the calendar icon in the rectangular box.
  10. State the reason for the leave in the text box provided.
  11. Click on Apply button to raise leave-behalf request.
  12. notification will be sent to RM, user, and approval chain members to do action and for confirmation. 

One or a number of on-behalf leaves requested by the employee will be deducted from the available leave balances. The status of approval or rejection will be displayed in the employee leave calendar. The HR can view the status in the HR screen under the menu ‘Behalf Requests’ and sub-menu Behalf Leaves. 

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