How to group the Leave Types?

How to group the Leave Types?

·        The Leave Group option is available in the admin settings of the leave module to group all the leaves. After assigning the Leave group, this can be assigned to the employees for availing the leaves. For this, 


           Admin Login >> Home >> Leave Settings >> Leave Groups

·        Go to Leave groups and click on +Add New and provide the group name, group code & description

·        After creating the group click on +Add Types to map the different leave types to one group.

·        The created leave group can be viewed, editable to modify or can be deactivated.

·        It shows comprehensive leave details of each employee for a particular leave type. In this various Leave types are grouped and are granted to the employees. For example, if these leaves are grouped and named as OFFER-LEAVE with CLs (12), emergency leaves (7), maternity (45 days)/ paternity (15 days), holidays (18), earned leaves (30), so in this group, all the employees will get 112/82 days to leave.