How to upload the leave requests in Bulk and what is meant by Leave requests?

How to upload the leave requests in Bulk and what is meant by Leave requests?

·        Leave requests tab is used to upload the requests which were previously applied by the employees

·        So basically, this tab is used to store the applied request details.

·        We can do this process using bulk upload option


            Admin >> Leave Settings >> Leave Requests Bulk Upload

·        Go to Bulk Upload

·        Select Leave Group & request type (Old requests, new requests)

·        Download (Excel Template with three sheets, Employees, Leave Types, Leave Data)

·        In Comp-Off data sheet fill the details like employee id, leave type, Leave Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD), Leave End Date (YYYY-MM-DD), First Day Half Taken (Choose Yes or No), Last Day Half Taken (Choose Yes or No), Reason for Leave, Credits, Pay Type (Un paid or Full Paid)

·        upload (existing data will be replaced with the new data).