How Talent History documents of an Employee can be Uploaded in Bulk via., AKRIVIA HCM?

How Talent History documents of an Employee can be Uploaded in Bulk via., AKRIVIA HCM?

Based on the type of file, Talent History documents can be uploaded in two ways i.e., with Zip file (or) without zip file. Here are some steps to be followed to upload the Talent History Details of the employee(s).

    Steps to be followed to upload Dynamic documents of the employee(s) with Zip file.

Click on Upload file and Select with Zip file.

The zip file to upload should contain only PDF, JPEG, JPG, PNG files.

Validating the uploaded Zip file.

Make sure that the uploading data is valid and click on the Next button and then Submit.

·        Select document type and download the file.

·        Fill the Excel file with valid data and upload it.

·        If all the data is valid then click “upload”.

·        Employee Talent History Proof(s) With Document(s) Updated Successfully.

          Steps to be followed to upload Dynamic documents of the employee(s) without Zip file

                   ·         Select document type and download the file.

·        Fill the Excel file with valid details and upload

·        Validate the uploaded excel file.

·        Make sure that the uploading data is valid and click on the Upload button.

·        Employee Talent History Details Updated Successfully.

·        Employee Talent History Details Updated Successfully.

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